The Long Run
Ok, well not quite a run but it certainly was a long hike! I mean we hit the same dry trail as before thinking we had it all figured out. But wouldn't you know it, naycha still had its way with us by throwing in some extra difficulties and hazards. Still, it was great overall.
It went down as a three man hike. We started off late with some last minute errands. I woke up late and had to pick-up some bananas. Luckily the guys were also a bit back so we decided to meet at the trail.
About a half hour late but still earlier than our last visit we hit the trail unsure of the morning terrain. Our expectations of a dry trail turned to greater caution and inconvenience. The ground was covered with slight layer of dew causing everything to be slick. Rocks, boulders, trees, bushes, plants, and grass were all unfriendly terrain.
After an hour or so of slipping and sliding, the rising sun followed by the warm air was a welcome change. The dew evaporated quickly and we made up some time with the increased traction. Within 20 or 30 minutes we were back on track.
This was the second trip up here for me and Stink but Joe's first. He did well in keeping pace and tried not to push it too much. Our goal was to complete the trail, ending up on the koolau range for some great sites. We all had cameras and wasted no time on pix along the way.
In time, we arrived at the spot where we ended the previous trip. We took our first long break there having some snacks and stretching nicely. The sun was nearly overhead and the heat was building so we moved on.
As the sun continued to rage overhead, we found ourselves seeking cover under trees, bushes, and boulders. Shade was hard to find along the ridge. Most of the cover came when we were faced with long climbs which were a killer to do.
The trail beyond the rest spot was filled with dips and climbs. It was an endless uphill battle made worse with the increasing heat. We were unprepared for the combination and it showed with the dwindling supply of water. I recommend doubling up on your water if you take this trail.
It wasn't all pain and suffering as there was some glimpses of hope and a genuine treasure around the bend. The sound of rushing water could be heard in the distance. I recognized it immediately and was excited to find the source of the waterfall.
We pushed on and eventually found it. The waterfall was on a parallel ridge a few hundred feet away. Though we were in no condition to blaze down to it the sight was remarkable.
Unlike most falls in the area this one is staggered. It has three or four levels with the top opening into a crater. Our vantage point couldn't really provide much detail so I'm assuming the water is probably from a stream running through the crater. Regardless, the view demanded another long break filled with still and video shots.
Finally moving on we realized there was much ground to cover. We were getting much closer to the target range but still saw much ridge work ahead. The day was slipping beyond our grasp and we had to move.
After a few more hours of climbing, we finally decided to turn back. Bodies tiring and running low on supplies we chose a final point to investigate before leaving. At this time, we must have been around three to five hours in.
Our decision to stop turned out to be the right one. Within minutes a large group of clouds that had been lingering over the range started rolling in. They brought strong winds and rain and were heralded by a rainbow barrier.
The rainbow brought cool breezes and very light showers. As long as we kept ahead of it, we were in paradise. Too far ahead meant heat exhaustion and it would be a drenching if we let it pass us.
It was more of the same on the two or three hour return trip. Climbs. Slips. Falls. Water conservation. Plant watering. Swearing. And, of course more pix!
By the time we got out, the sun was starting its descent. We were tired and mui hungry. There was some initial talk of pounding food and that's what we finally decided on. Turned out to be another long run but this time at Camillia all you can eat and we did exactly that!

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