Nature Calls

Figured it was time to dedicate a blog to this Cthuluist beckoning for the natchurell surroundings. You might say it's like an obsession of sorts but it's all good and definitely lots of dirty fun.

Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Group Hike

Note to self and anyone interested: LIE!! We did the recon thing trying to get a feel for the trail and to provide helpful information to the hiking party. But the post seemed to kill everyone's fight instead of calm their nerves.

It went down like this. The update went out Monday, filled with additional details and precautions. Aside from some minor changes it also confirmed the estimated length of the combo-trail hike and a few more tips. In hindsight, the information seemed to confirm how bad a time it would be.

That was my bad. A few poorly chosen words along with TMI gave the idea this was to be taken very seriously rather than to be enjoyed. Though that was far from the intent I can see how it became overwhelming.

Regrettably on the day of the hike our party was reduced from a nearly 20 person group to 8. Illness, timing, and uneasiness factored into the result. Still, we regrouped and had a great time.

There were a number of revelations that came about after the hike. Mostly good I'll focus on these before hitting the bad. The 8 person party consisted of 2 original members and 6 new ones of varying levels of experience. They have since expressed interest in other hikes.

As the week drew on, others heard stories of the hike. They came to appreciate the experiences of those that participated. I think it was a relief to learn opportunities for additonal hikes would not be closed to them.

However, a downside to the good was a personal bad for me. Already on the fourth hike of the year I was burnt out. The mind and spirit were ready but the endless assault of workout+hiking every week did a number on the old shell. I ended up sick from physical exhaustion but the worse wouldn't manifest itself until the following week (the last pic says it all!).

In spite of a small turnout, the hike proved to be another catalyst in generating more supporters. Our group would grow and create more hiking opportunities for all. I could now move back into the shadows taking a less active role in planning.


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