Nature Calls

Figured it was time to dedicate a blog to this Cthuluist beckoning for the natchurell surroundings. You might say it's like an obsession of sorts but it's all good and definitely lots of dirty fun.

Thursday, December 01, 2005

Waterfall Revisited

Wow, this one was rough. It was almost 15 years since I last went there with my bro. He had been asking me year after year to go but I stubbornly declined. Now I could finally redeem myself but what a way to do it.

We tackled the waterfall head first! Time had claimed the original trail paths and it was difficult to locate. To simplify things, we decided to head for the highest spine and climb down.

After a time, we reached our goal and trailblazed a path down the side of the mountain. Eventually we hit the bottom but were far from anything we recalled from past adventures. Soon though the first of many waterfalls appeared.

They came in varying sizes but there were approximately 5 on the way downstream. Some were only a few feet high while others were like cliffs. The last two we hiked to were exactly that.

One was like a plateau that was visible on the trail up the mountain. It was still summer time so the water didn't flow well. That day was a blazer but we were cold from all the water. [Oh yeah, the damn rocks are deceptively slippery. Once wet, you WILL slip and fall.] This area provided a nice place to rest and dry off.

Time was passing by and we had to begin the hard climb up the mountain. There was a waterfall below us and we figured there'd be at least one or more downstream. Though this area was a good rest stop it sucked for climbing down. We basically had to jump down and hope nothing gets broke!!

I think this was the best looking waterfall so I got nice pix. The next tapered off into a narrow path. It was very slippery and the view was difficult to obtain without putting yourself into jeopardy. So I did and got as good a shot as I could.

That was the last spot since there was absolutely no way down without a rope. As much as I like to bust ass I'm no foolio. Jumping blindly off a 40' or 50' cliff into what you hope is a deep enough pool is for dumbshits. I guess I'm not one.

We headed back up and I choked on the way. Cramps in my calves, cramps in my thighs, cramps in toes... I thought I was getting delusional and it was retribution for all the crap I put the others through back then. Turned out I was wrong.

By the time we got out it was dark. The total trip was 12 hours and felt like 24 with rubber legs. Was fun in a painful way and I got some nice pix too:


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