Nature Calls

Figured it was time to dedicate a blog to this Cthuluist beckoning for the natchurell surroundings. You might say it's like an obsession of sorts but it's all good and definitely lots of dirty fun.

Monday, December 05, 2005

Photo Assignment

This time we were on assignment to help get some shots of naycha. The weather decided to be nice so it was just the mud. So, with an early start we rushed up to the trail.

The air was cool and all of the streams and minifalls were running strong. There was a nice, constant breeze that excelled at keeping the stench of rotting fruit and animal feces away from our nostrils. Aside from minimal slushing, it was fine.

We decided to change it up a bit. At the first junction, we headed up the side trail instead of continuing forward. The paths are like night and day. One is like a stink nature walk while the other requires more effort due to the rocks and upward slope.

There's also way less mud up there but the trade-off is a longer trail. It's almost double the other one but still a good change of pace. Nonetheless, gabbing and moving at even pace got us quickly to the next junction.

Here, we had several choices. One path led downhill to where both trails would eventually intersect. The other led uphill to a trail we were unfamiliar with. We decided on the first.

About 15 minutes into this area it started to rain. We took cover under some copses of trees and waited for the rain to subside. It did after a time then we continued.

The trail became semi-hazardous following the rain. Stones were very slick and the mud made it worse. In certain areas, we took a while to ensure safety.

After a time we finally reached the intersecting trail junction. The ground was saturated as usual and we were already familiar with the rules of engagement. We advanced through trying to avoid much of the mud until we hit the hill leading to the lookout.

By the time we reached the top it was nearing lunch. The final shots were taken here. Literally for me it was like the final insult.

Here's the story: I start recording the path leading up to the lookout followed by the two trail paths, one leading to the waterfall and the other to the mudslide. As the camera pans, I make some minor narration. The shot finishes and I press the stop button but can't figure out why it's not working. Then I realize I didn't even press start!! Now I have to record everything again so I do so but halfway through the damn battery dies!!!

Luckily I took the photos earlier:


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