Nature Calls

Figured it was time to dedicate a blog to this Cthuluist beckoning for the natchurell surroundings. You might say it's like an obsession of sorts but it's all good and definitely lots of dirty fun.

Friday, December 02, 2005

Make Up Hike

This one started a string of weekly Saturday hikes between 11/5 and 11/26. Tomorrow (12/3) is the fifth one. You'd think it'd be time to give it a rest but there's always something a little different about each one whether it's new people, a new trail, or a new challenge.

For this one, it was a new person. Actually, was someone who missed the previous trek up to the waterfall. She was bummed about it - more so after hearing the stories and seeing the pix - so this was the make up hike.

We started the trail a little early that day. The weather forecast showed light showers so we weren't too concerned about trail conditions. As it turned out, the mud up there never dries out so it didn't matter.

With a small party of two we made good time. There were still pauses for pix but we quickly passed the junctions and arrived at the mud trap. It was still there lying in wait for the next foolish victims unaware of the slippery, sludge.

Prior experience dictated the use of alternate routes around the more wetter areas. I had been there enough times that I developed a rhythm of movement. The idea was part philosophy, part balance. Of course, the whole theory goes out the door if you move like a demi-human! But simply put, look ahead, know where you're going, step purposefully, and be flexible.

Moving in and out of the muddy area we approached the trail exit and rested at the lookout. The view there is rather spectactular as it gives you access to the west and east. And weather aside, it is the only decent place to rest.

As an introductory hike, we decided to keep it short. We headed back avoiding as much mud as possible. No falls of note this time but as we left the trail I knew another one was hooked.

Here's more pix:


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