Nature Calls

Figured it was time to dedicate a blog to this Cthuluist beckoning for the natchurell surroundings. You might say it's like an obsession of sorts but it's all good and definitely lots of dirty fun.

Monday, December 05, 2005


Wow, true fact. We thought we knew where we were going. We thought it would be an easy hike. We thought we would have time. Nope.

The day's events were excessively underestimated. Again, we planned for an early start but ran 20 minutes late. We all had to be back by early afternoon (at the latest) due to other obligations and it started going down from there.

My bro and I had our turkey-day party to contend with. Stink had his own stuff to do. And, Ducky had his usual series of tourneys to attend. It should have been a sign but we ignored and continued.

We hit the trail and already decided it would be the first junction alternative. The weather was good but the trail was at its normal mud bog. No slips but it still had the effect of slowing us down.

Finally, we got to the junction and started up the hill. It was more difficult with a bigger group so the time increased further as we pushed on to the next junction. Our goal this day was to try for the other waterfalls so we took the unfamiliar trail.

The trail led up a muddy slope then forked at another junction. We ignored it and continued forward. There were lots of pix views in this area since we could clearly see running falls across the valley.

After a time the trail headed downward and we came upon a few runners. From our brief exchange I gather they were on a 6 mile circuit and were startled at seeing us on this semi-deserted trail. We exchanged niceties before continuing on.

More time passed and the trail seemed endless. We had to have been walking for at least another 30 minutes before someone appeared and lucky for us. A father/son combo headed up the trail gave us an important piece of information in parting. The trail we were on extended another 2 hours!!

We looked at each other and said "f$@! that" before heading back. Tired from the excessive waste of time we got back to the junction and went down the intersecting trail. To make up time, we cut through much of the trail by blazing across the area. Saved us about 30 minutes or so.

Back at the web of mud and roots for the 7th time this year I rushed ahead anxious to reach the lookout which was a mistake. The smarter thing to do would have been to leave. We were already frustrated at the waste of time and knew we all had deadlines. As payback, we wanted something to come away with that would be well worth our time.

The mudslide was the answer. As we reached the lookout and stopped to rest, we made a final decision to continue or not. It was unanimous but again I should decided to return.

Pushing up the hill I couldn't recall all the climbing elements but knew there were quite a bit. The physical demands are high as a result. As we progressed past each section, it became obvious this was a bad decision. But we had gotten to the point of no return and moved forward.

A long time passed. It was just the four of us taking it to the limit one more time. We got through the climbs and made it to our destination.

Much like the first time this mudslide had a lot of action. More slips and spills but also some smart thinking. I guess not everyone likes to get dirty so my bro just used the ferns to get down by walking on them. Their already dead and dried out so they have tremendous traction.

Good thing he came down last though. I was first and I faired pretty good. The next two were successively worse. Stink slid in spurts but Ducky did a long, fun slide.

The action on the mudslide was topnotch. All the extra crap we went through was replaced by the fun. To remind myself of it, I view Ducky's slide as often as possible.


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